Convict Conditioning Session 41


Exercise: Pull Ups Level 2: Horizontal Pulls (1 set of 27, 22, 18)

Exercise: Squats Level 2: Jackknife Squats (1 set of 37, 28, 10) 

Steady progression from last week’s regression. And maintained that better form. It’s good to look at the positives. 


Convict Conditioning Session 39


Exercise: Pull Ups Level 2: Horizontal Pulls (1 set of 24, 19, 15)

Exercise: Squats Level 2: Jackknife Squats (1 set of 33, 24)

Well, I’d like to film I’ve improved on my form of doing these because I’ve done a lot less reps (just like last week’s Leg Raises). Maybe it’s because I skipped breakfast again. NOTE TO SELF: Stop skipping breakfast. At least Squats are going well.

Convict Conditioning Session 36


Man, I’m been ill most of this week. Too ill to train. Today’s the first day that I’ve felt well enough to train. Sort of. I’m not 100% and I feel I have to rest more than usual between set.

Exercise: Push Ups Level 2: Incline Push Ups (1 set of 21, 1 set of 20)

Exercise: Leg Raises Level 1: Knee Tucks (1 set of 33, 1 set of 30, 1 set of 25)


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